The address of the venue and church is:
Combe Manor
RG17 9EJ
The last 6 or 7 miles approaching Combe is down fairly small country roads and will take nearly 15 minutes to travel, more if you meet traffic coming the other way. Google maps is fairly accurate in its directions taking this into account with its timings.
Please follow the signs as you arrive to park at Combe Manor, and then walk the short distance to the Church of St Swithin. If you need the loo after arriving, please follow the signs from the car park to the barns, then head to the Church.
Arriving by Train
The nearest train station is Hungerford which is about 20 mins by car. Andover train station is approximately 25 minutes away, and Newbury train station is approximately 30 minutes away by car.
Andover and Newbury both have taxi ranks at the station. Hungerford station does not have a taxi rank.
Arriving by Taxi
If you need information on local taxi firms, take a look at the information which the venue has shared with us here.